Table of Contents
Foreword ................................................................ V
Roald Hoffmann
Preface ................................................................. IX
Christoph Memel
List of Contributors .................................................... XVII
Disciplines, Research Fields, and their Boundaries ...................... 1
Carsten Reinhardt
References and Notes .................................................... 13
1. Research Fields and Boundaries in Twentieth-Century Organic Chemistry ... 14
Peter J.T.Morris, Anthony S.Travis, and Carsten Reinhardt
1.1 Physical Organic Chemistry .............................................. 14
1.2 Physical Instrumentation and Organic Chemistry .......................... 20
1.3 Bioorganic Chemistry .................................................... 29
1.4 Conclusion .............................................................. 38
References and Notes .................................................... 38
Part I
Theoretical Chemistry and Quantum Chemistry
2. Theoretical Quantum Chemistry as Science and Discipline:
Some Philosophical Remarks on a Historical Issue ........................ 45
Nikos Psarros
2.1 The Quarrel of the Faculties ............................................ 45
2.2 Theoretical Quantum Chemistry: Establishing a New Science in the
Twentieth Century ....................................................... 46
2.3 Giovanni Battista Bonino: Pioneer of the New Science and Founder of a
New Discipline in Italy ................................................. 48
2.4 Jean Barriol: The French Version ........................................ 49
References and Notes .................................................... 50
3. Issues in the History of Theoretical and Quantum Chemistry, 1927-1960 ... 51
Ana Simoes and Kostas Gavroglu
3.1 Introduction ............................................................ 51
3.2 Re-thinking Reductionism or the Chemists' Uneasy Relation with
Mathematics ............................................................. 51
3.3 Convergence of Diverging Traditions: Physics, Chemistry, and
Mathematics ............................................................. 56
3.4 The Role of Textbooks in Building a Discourse for Quantum
Chemistry ............................................................... 62
3.5 The Ontological Status of Resonance ..................................... 64
3.6 The Status of the Chemical Bond ......................................... 68
3.7 The Impact of Computers in Quantum Chemistry: the Split of the
Community ............................................................... 70
References and Notes 72
4. Giovanni Battista Bonino and the Making
of Quantum Chemistry in Italy in the 1930s .............................. 75
Andreas Karachalios
4.1 Introduction ............................................................ 75
4.2 Early Career ............................................................ 76
4.3 Bonino and the Beginning of Infrared Spectroscopy in Italy .............. 77
4.4 The Scientific and Political Context .................................... 79
4.5 Scientific Contacts in Germany and Austria, 1931—1934 ................... 83
4.6 Early Contributions to Quantum Chemistry ................................ 86
4.7 Bonino's Place within Contemporary Research ............................. 89
4.8 The Advent of Group Theory in Bonino's Work ............................. 90
4.9 Bonino's Quantum Mechanical Concept of Coordination ..................... 92
4.10 Encroaching Political Developments ...................................... 94
4.11 Conclusion .............................................................. 98
References and Notes .................................................... 99
5. Between Disciplines: Jean Barriol and the
Theoretical Chemistry Laboratory in Nancy ............................... 105
Marika Blondel-Mégrelis
5.1 Inspirations ............................................................ 106
5.2 Mathematics ............................................................. 108
5.3 Quantum Chemistry ....................................................... 110
5.4 Pragmatism .............................................................. 111
5.5 Foundations ............................................................. 112
5.6 Experiment .............................................................. 114
5.7 Jean Barriol's Theoretical Chemistry .................................... 115
References and Notes .................................................... 117
Part II
From Radiochemistry to Nuclear Chemistry and Cosmochemistry
6. From Radiochemistry to Nuclear Chemistry and Cosmochemistry ............. 121
Xavier Roqué
6.1 Physical Evidence in Chemical Disciplines ............................... 122
6.2 Identification and Production ........................................... 124
6.3 Natural Versus Arfificial Elements ...................................... 126
6.4 Discipline Dynamics ..................................................... 127
References and Notes .................................................... 129
7. The Discovery of New Elements and the Boundary
Between Physics and Chemistry in the 1920s and 1930s.
The Case of Elements 43 and 75 .......................................... 131
Brigitte Van Tiggelen
7.1 Rhenium: A Success ...................................................... 132
7.2 A Failure: Masurium ..................................................... 137
7.3 A Comparison: From Hunting to Breeding .................................. 139
7.4 The End of a Research Tradition ......................................... 140
References and Notes .................................................... 142
8. The Search for Artificial Elements and the Discovery of Nuclear Fission . 146
Ruth Lewin Sime
References and Notes .................................................... 158
9. From Geochemistry to Cosmochemistry:
The Origin of a Scientific Discipline, 1915—1955 ........................ 160
Helge Kragh
9.1 Introduction ............................................................ 160
9.2 Nineteenth-Century Backgrounds .......................................... 161
9.3 Chemists, Element Formation, and Stellar Energy ......................... 164
9.4 Victor Moritz Goldschmidt and the Transition from Geo- to
Cosmochemistry .......................................................... 169
9.5 Geochemistry and the Shell Model of Nuclear Structure ................... 175
9.6 Chemistry in Space ...................................................... 176
9.7 Chemical Cosmogony and Interstellar Molecules ........................... 178
9.8 The Emergence of Cosmochemistry ......................................... 180
9.9 Conclusion .............................................................. 183
References and Notes .................................................... 183
Part III
Solid State Chemistry and Biotechnology
10. Between the Living State and the Solid State:
Chemistry in a Changing World ........................................... 193
Peter J. T. Morris
10.1 Biotechnology and the Myth of a Recent "Biotech Revolution" ............. 194
10.2 Polymer Science ......................................................... 195
10.3 At the Boundaries ....................................................... 196
10.4 A Composite Field of Research ........................................... 198
10.5 Conclusion .............................................................. 200
References and Notes .................................................... 200
11. Biotechnology Before the "Biotech Revolution": Life Scientists,
Chemists and Product Development in 1930s—1940s America ................. 201
Nicolas Rasmussen
11.1 Hormones: "Master Molecules" of Life Between the Wars ................... 203
11.2 Pharmaceuticals in Peace and War ........................................ 210
11.3 Conclusion .............................................................. 218
References and Notes .................................................... 224
12. Polymer Science: From Organic Chemistry to an
Interdisciplinary Science ............................................... 228
Yasu Furukawa
12.1 Macromolecular Chemistry as a New Branch of Organic
Chemistry ............................................................... 229
12.2 From Macromolecular Chemistry to Polymer Science: Staudinger, Mark,
and the Naming of a Discipline .......................................... 231
12.3 The Rise of Polymer Physics ............................................. 233
12.4 The Biological Nexus .................................................... 237
12.5 The Problem of Interdisciplinary Science ................................ 238
12.6 Polymer Science versus Macromolecular Science: Continuing
Strife .................................................................. 240
References and Notes .................................................... 241
13. At the Boundaries: Michael Polanyi‘s Work on Surfaces
and the Solid State ..................................................... 246
Mary Jo Nye
13.1 Polanyi on Scientific Ideals and Scientific Practice .................... 246
13.2 The Potential Theory of Adsorption, 1914—1932 ........................... 248
13.3 Diffraction and the Solid State ......................................... 250
13.4 Rewards and Recognition in the Scientific Community ..................... 252
References and Notes .................................................... 254
14. The New Science of Materials: A Composite Field of Research ............. 258
Bernadette Bensaude-Vincent
14.1 From Metallurgy to Solid State Physics .................................. 259
14.2 From Reinforced Plastics to Composite Materials ......................... 262
14.3 From Composite to Complex Structures ... Through Biomimetics ............ 266
14.4 A Future for Chemists? .................................................. 267
References and Notes .................................................... 269
Index ................................................................... 271
by Roald Hoffmann
Why do active chemists need the history of chemistry? And why some of us are
resistant to Clio's art in the laboratory? These are the questions I want to think
First, because everything has a history. Things happened, in a chronology and
influenced by a personal past (a chemist's advisors, his or her students), in
communication with others, and in the setting of a society. The system of science
uses the addiction to curiosity of moderately smart, fallible, and underpaid
individuals in the labor of a micro-society whose aim is to generate reliable
of the beautiful world within and around us. This gloriously successful European
invention demands open publication and communication and mandates frequent
dipping back and forth between theory and reality. The tying of such a
structure to
normal human aspirations (suppressing some along the way, with consequences
easily anticipated) nearly guarantees that any interesting new finding will be
by someone out to prove it wrong. Science, being process, has a history - of
individuals, their tools, their communications. It is natural that we should want
know how Diels and Alder got to the reaction named after them. That we discover
how discovery took place.
The second reason I see for doing history of chemistry is simply that it is
interesting to see how ideas evolved. Even if one was in the middle of the fray.
maybe, just because one was there: My mother and I were busy surviving World War
II in Galicia; the news we had of the war was fragmentary and propagandistic. What
a joy it was to read years later Winston Churchill's history of the Second World
Chemistry isn't war, but there is a lot of action in those 500 000 articles
published each year.
One interesting aspect of doing the history of 20th century chemistry is that the
events are likely to be close to the personal experience of chemist-readers.
Or they
may see their Doktorvaters in them. Since we are human, and prone to
selfjustificafion, that proximity in time is likely to lead the responder
to focus on the
critical - the fact missed, the factor misjudged.
Third, the human in us is absolutely insatiable in its interest for the personal.
When the medium is inherently expressive, as in a novel, we just take it in
we may wonder who that character is based on). But if the mode of expression in
which we ply our trade excludes (as the scientific article regretfully does)
writing of
people, motivation, emotion, anger, then we simply love it when it is allowed
come back. In Nachtisch gossip, for instance. Or, to be serious about it, many
of us
will recall the tremendous impact of the threadbare two line biographies of
chemists in "Fieser and Fieser". Students are starving for history, and good
teachers know this.
Fourth, history humanizes. The social construction of science program
antagonizes scientists, almost reflexively. I think the SCS approach deserves
what it gets, in
part because it sometimes clothes an antipathy to the organism in the cloak
of trying
to bring us to see the practice of science as being no different from any other
human enterprise. Good history of chemistry (and analysis of real life chemical
practice) is
not aggressive. It comes out of love for the subject, and shows by example how
science is embedded in culture, that scientists are people with faibles and
mind sets
(call them themata, call them prejudices) that influence what they create. Good
history of chemistry relaxes scientists, makes them more tolerant (by a hair)
of what
the humanities have to say about science.
This last point leads me to think about why chemists are suspicious of
history of chemistry (until such time as they try to do some history).
1. There is an arrogance bred by the macho practice of modern chemistry -
becoming an administrator, poet, historian is like dropping out of the race.
Those who can, do; those who can't ...
2. Science has bought into the cult of the new, with a vengeance.
References to old
papers are in there only to stake out claims to novelty ("no one since 1912
has .. .") or to establish lines of authority. The Oedipal urge is heightened
in the
enterprise ("the only prior calculations on this molecule are by the
extended Hückel method"). Nothing new here, except perhaps the pace. Given
this valorization of the new, it is especially difficult to enter the mind set
chemistry done two hundred years ago. Many chemists don't have the patience to
partake of the world past. They don't see the value. Incidentally, one of the
oft-cited uses of history is that we may learn from the past. The behavior of
individuals and nations leads one to be skeptical of the idea. Sometimes we
sometimes (as in falling in love) it's good that we don't. It's the same for
chemists - it may be good not to know that someone else had tried an
experiment and it failed.
3. There is a skepticism among chemists that historians can acquire the
cognitive structure of chemists and so "understand" them. This is sometimes a
conceit, because many of the historians of chemistry have the "passport" of a
Ph. D. or have practiced chemistry. Shall we listen to the chemists
Autobiographies are often poor history (to be exceeded in their unreliability
by biographies - pathography or hagiography - by children of their parents).
I think historians should ask practitioners in the field not only for fact
but also for expressions of that intangible feeling that an analysis is
We are occasionally inebriated by the beauty of what we have created in science.
It is
as if in that moment of understanding we were speaking to the gods. And when one
touches the sublime, moral considerations don't mafter. Werner Heisenberg, in
wartime visits to the Netherlands and Denmark wanted to talk science; he had no
idea what it meant to be a human being (one who by chance is a scientist) in an
occupied country.
History helps here, as I was reminded in a conversation with Hunter R. Rawlings,
Cornell's President and a classical scholar, expert on the Greek historian
Thucydides. Rawlings (and Thucydides) would stress the moral utility of history.
tells us how human beings acted, and asks us to think about the motives and
consequences of their actions. In reconstructing history, we move outside of
ourselves, and - not abdicating the capacity to feel strongly about what
transpired -
we are pushed gently toward alternative perspectives, towards tolerance, towards
empathy. This has real spiritual value.
Roald Hoffmann
Last updated : Dec. 8, 2002 - 19:02 CET