Early ... Intro Picture

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Erich Hückel

Hueckel Bild Erich Hückel (in Engl. often spelled Huckel or Hueckel) was born in 1896 in Berlin and died in Marburg (Germany) in 1980 where he had been professor of physics for many years. Hückel had studied physics and developed with Debye a theory of strong electrolytes which became known as the Debye-Huckel theory. He then worked for a while on capillary effects and wrote a book about it. Later on he introduced a theory of the C=C bond based on quantum mechanics which was to become the famous Huckel theory. He left this field of interest after a short while and published thereafter only occasionally on various other topics of physics.

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Erich Hückel

About Huckel there will be an extensive and fairly provocative text in here before May 2002. It is written yet has to be worked over once more.

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Copyright © Oct. 28, 2001 by U. Anders, PhD.
e-mail Udo Anders : udo39@t-online.de

Last updated : Dec. 31, 2001 - - 12:22