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Oktay Sinanoglu

Book: Istanbul Lectures (1965)



This book is the result of the joint efforts of a group of lecturers who came together in Istanbul in the summer of 1964 to lecture on Modern Quantum Chemistry.

The lectures follow a definite sequence and attempt to present a detailed, up-to-date, and coherent picture of modern quantum chemistry to graduate students and researchers.

The book is in three parts, Part I on orbitals, Part II on interactions and effects of electron correlation, and Part III on action of light and organic crystals. The parts are connected, though each is quite self-contained. The book should be useful for advanced quantum chemistry courses, as well as a reference.

Parts I, II, and III may be used individually or in combination. Each lecture, by and large, starts with an introduction, before proceeding to current developments and problems. Many lectures contain new work and approaches not published before. The over-all theoretical picture that emerges applies to electronic properties, stabilities, and spectra of saturated and unsaturated molecules, sigma and pi systems, and also to intermediate species, radicals, and triplet states.

Introduction, Parts I - III

0. Sinanoglu

                      Modern Quantum Chemistry - Istanbul Lectures 1965

          List of Contributors to Part I ................................     v                              
          Preface .......................................................   vii  
          Condensed Table of Contents of Parts I - III ..................  xiii
          Introduction, Parts I - III, O. Sinanoğlu .....................     1
                          Section I. A. Saturated Compounds

          1. Present Status of the Theory of Electronic Structure of Molecules
             ROBERT G. PARR
            1. The Problem ...............................................     5
            2. One- and Two-Electron Cases ...............................     6
            3. Preliminaries for Many-Electron Cases .....................     9
            4. Many-Electron Cases .......................................    10
            3. Implementation ............................................    13
            6. Conclusion ................................................    14
          2. Chemical Predictions by MO Theory : The Rare Gas Halides
             JOSHUA J0RTNER and STUART A. RICE
            1. Introduction ..............................................    15
            2. The Electron-Correlation Model ............................    16
            3. The Molecular Orbital Model ...............................    18
            4. The Valence Bond Model ....................................    25
            5. Interpretation of Physical Properties .....................    28
            6. Excited Electron States ...................................    33
            7. Discussion of the Theoretical Models ......................    43
               References ................................................    45
          3. Sigma Molecular Orbital Theory and Chemical Reactivity
             KENICHI FUKUI
            1. Introduction ..............................................    49
            2. Sigma Molecular Orbital ...................................    49
            3. Chemical Reactivity Theory ................................    59
            4. Electron Delocalization at the Transition State ...........    63
            5. Simple Interpretation of Reactivity of Saturated Compounds     70
            6. Conclusion ................................................    81
               References ................................................    63

          4. Localized Self-Consistent Field Orbitals in Atoms ond Molecules
            1. Introduction ..............................................    85
            2. Arbitrariness of Hartree-Fock Orbitals ....................    86
            3. Fixation of Hartree-Fock Orbitals .........................    88
            4. Canonical SCF Orbitals ....................................    89
            5. Externally Localized SCF Orbitals .........................    89
            6. Intrinsically Localized SCF Orbitals ......................    90
            7. Choice of Separation Function f(r12 ) ......................    92
            8. Construction of Localized Orbitals from an Arbitrary Set
                   of SCF Orbitals .......................................    93
            9. Localized Orbitals and Molecular Symmetry .................    93
           10. Localized Orbitals in the Absence of Symmetry .............    95
           11. Localized Molecular Orbitals in Delocalized Electronic Systems 98
               References ................................................    99
          5. Integral Hellmann-Feynman Theorem, Barriers to lnternal Rotations,
                 and Isoelectronic Processes
             ROBERT G. PARR
            1. Integral Hellmann-Feynman Theorem .........................   101
            2. Barriers to Internal Rotation .............................   102
            3. Isoelectronic Processes ...................................   104
               References ................................................   105

                        Section I. B. Pi-Electron Systems
          1. General Survey of Pi-Electron Methods and Problems
             ROBERT 0. PARR
            1. Pi-Electron Approximation .................................   107
            2. Pi-Electron Methods .......................................   109
            3. Pi-Electron Problems ......................................   110
               References ................................................   112
          2. Three-Dimensional and One-Dimensional Free-Electron Molecular
            1. Introduction ..............................................   113
            2. General Solution ..........................................   114
            3. Determination of Eigenvalues as Functions of Delta ........   116
            4. One-Dimensional Model .....................................   118
            5. Comparison of Energies ....................................   119
            6. Comparison of Wavefunctions ...............................   120
            7. Conclusion ................................................   121
               Appendix ..................................................   122
               References ................................................   123

          3. Self-Consistent Field Theory of Noncloned Shell Systems with
                 Application to Pi-Electron Systems
             R. LEFEBVRE
            1. Introduction ...............................................  125
            2. Self-Consistent Field Equations for s Closed Shell System.
                   The Brillouin Theorem ..................................  126
            3. Self-Consistent Conditions for a Doublet State with One
                   Nonclosed Shell ........................................  128
            4. Self-Consistent Conditions for a Triplet State with Two
                   Nonclosed Shells .......................................  131
            5. The Lowest Triplet Excitation Energies of Some Even Alternant
                   Hydrocarbons Calculated to Various Degrees 
                   of Self-Consistency ....................................  132
               Summary ....................................................  134                                                 
               Referestces ................................................  134

          4. Charge Transfer and Radical lons
             L. J. OOSTERHOFF
            1. Introduction ...............................................  137
            2. Formulae ...................................................  139
            3. Loosely Bound and Semi-ionic Complexes:
                 Benzene-Iodine and Trimethylamine-Iodine .................  142
            4. Ionic Compounds: Sodium Iodide .............................  145
            5. The Organic Chemist's View of the Problem ..................  148
            6. Radical Ions ...............................................  151
            7. Photoionization ............................................  152
               References .................................................  154

          5. Some Properties of Pi-lons and Triplets
             A. T. AMOS
           1. Introduction ................................................  157
           2. Restricted Hartree-Fock .....................................  157
           3. Unrestricted Hartree-Fock ...................................  158
           4. Energies and Charge Densities ...............................  159
           5. The Transformation Properties of the Orbitals ...............  161
           6. Spin Properties of Psi(UHF) .................................  164                                   
           7. Zero-Field Splitting in Triplet States ......................  167
           8. Conclusion ..................................................  169
              References ..................................................  169

          6. Critical Examination of Pi-Electron Theories

            a. Applicability of the Hückel and Pariser-Parr-Type Methods
              J. KOUTECKÝ
               Text .......................................................  171
               References .................................................  182                                                 

             b. Orbital Basis of Zero Differential Overlap
          1. Introduction .................................................  185
          2. Expansion Method .............................................  187
          3. Applications to the Fock Operator ............................  189
          4. Reformulation of the ZDO Assumption ..........................  192
             References ...................................................  193

             c. Electron Distribution In Heteromolecules
               R. DAUDEL
          1. Importance of the Notion of Charge ...........................  195
          2. Pariser, Parr, and Hückel (or Pauling and Wheland) 
                   Approxinsations ........................................  195
          3. The Nature of the Pariser and Parr Approximations ............  196
          4. Effect of the Introduction of OAO's on the pi-Electron
                   Distribution ...........................................  197
          5. Comparison between Pariser, Parr. and Pople Method and
                   Hückel Method .....................................  199
             References  ..................................................  202
             d. Semiempirical Parameters in MO Theory
          1. Introduction .................................................  203
          2. One-Center Integrals .........................................  203
          3. Two-Center Integrals .........................................  210
             References ...................................................  213

             e. Extended CI Calculations on Benzene
               J. KOUTECKÝ
               Text .......................................................  215
               References .................................................  220

             f. The Pi-Electron Approximation and Coulomb Repulsion Parameters
               0. SINANOGLU and M. K. ORLOFF
          1. The Pi-Electron Approximation ................................  221
          2. Coulomb Repulsions Parameters ................................  225
             References ...................................................  231

          AUTHOR INDEX ....................................................  233
          SUBJECT INDEX ...................................................  239


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