Turkish text and/or the photos originate from :
türk aynstayni
Oktay Sinanoğlu Kitabi
Söylesi: E. Caykara
© Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları.
Istanbul, Turkey, 2002.
Sinanoglu's own website since 2003 |
Some of the people shown on this website (Early Ideas ...) opened up new companies (e.g. Pople, Pariser), quite a few went into university administration (e.g. Segal, Ohno), others again wound up in government institutions of all sorts (e.g. Condon, Shull), and a good part of them never stopped and continued as professor emeritus (e.g. Parr, Orchin). Oktay Sinanoğlu in turn 'went public' in modern Turkey, where there is a lot to be found under Oktay Sinanoğlu in the ('Turkish') internet. Oktay Sinanoğlu apparently is a known public figure in modern Turkey : He appears on TV, writes books, probably has good connections with many Turkish universities. His (by this website assumed) influence on the Chem. Dept. at the University of Yildiz can be seen if you go into the table below. And in this respect it is not incorrect to also show this rather fascinating other aspect of O. Sinanoğlu.
O. Sinanoglu, Educational Ideas (1974). Presently unfortunately only in Turkish. |
Science in Turkey : Sinanoğlu, Barut, Gürsey ... |
Reference to another book by the author O. Sinanoğlu If your browser seems to have problems try to get it from here. |
Something longer about O. Sinanoğlu in another link. Please note: This link disappeared so quickly when it was published here, that I thought it might be fairly .... Just get it from my archive right right here. |
http://www.odtu.edu.tr http://www.Fatih.edu.tr http://www.boun.edu.tr http://www.istanbul.edu.tr http://www.Bilkent.edu.tr http://www.yildiz.edu.tr QC teaching at Yildiz University (slow server), look for courses 3052 (6th semester) and 4511 7th sem.) : QC at Yildiz Private Turkish Universities : http://www.sabanciuniv.edu.tr http://www.ku.edu.tr A list of Turkish Universities may also be found under : http://www.yok.gov.tr/univbil/oku2.html This survey was prepared by C. Özay whose help is greatfully acknowledged. |
Place | Link to University | Univ./ Language | Univ./ charset= | Link to Chem. Dept. | Chem/ Language | Chem./ charset= |
Bilkent | Bilkent University | engl.+ turk. | windows-1254 | Bilkent chemistry | engl.+ turk. | iso-8859-1 |
Bogazici | Bogazici University | engl. + turk. | windows-1252 | Chemistry Department | turk. | iso-8859-9 |
Gazi | University Gazi | engl. | windows-1254; engl |
Chemistry Department slow server |
engl. | windows-1254 |
Ege | Ege University | engl. | windows-1252 | Chemistry Department | engl. | windows-1252 |
Yildiz | Yildiz University Server appears to be at times extremely slow!? There are 15% uploads (?), they presently (8/02) do ping you from while connecting. |
engl. | iso-8859-9 and windows-1254 |
Chemistry Department This website's 8/2002-copy of their QC courses. (In Engl. & Turk.) In case that you also want to have a look at the Chem. Faculty under FIZIKOKIMYA ANABILIM DALI ÖGRETIM KADROSU:click here. |
turk. | windows-1254 |
As mentiond in this context, O. Sinanoğlu appears to be a somewhat controversial figure in Turkish Science and Education.
I guess (since I do not understand Turkish) that a fairly critical interview (in Turkish) can be seen/heard right here. His involvement as a Yale Prof. in Turkey certainly seems to have it's effects. Ahem .... Sorry friends - this thing disappeared from the net very quickly after it appeared here - HOWEVER - The sound track can be heard from my archive on this website right here. Good, old MP3, 16Kbps, MS-MediaPlayer 6.4 or 7.01 should bring it. The low quality of the sound was mainly already inherent in the original : Introduction by the interviewer - 0.5 MB, 04 min. Sinanoglu Interview - Part 1/4 - 1.1 MB, 10 min. Sinanoglu Interview - Part 2/4 - 1.2 MB, 10 min. Sinanoglu Interview - Part 3/4 - 2.3 MB, 19 min. Sinanoglu Interview - Part 4/4 - 0.8 MB, 07 min. And the same here as "WAV MPEG Layer3 Format" (as *.mpx, probably better, you may have to rename it after downloading as *.wav in order to play it.) Introduction by the interviewer - 0.5 MB, 04 min. Sinanoglu Interview - Part 1/4 - 1.4 MB, 10 min. Sinanoglu Interview - Part 2/4 - 1.5 MB, 10 min. Sinanoglu Interview - Part 3/4 - 2.8 MB, 19 min. Sinanoglu Interview - Part 4/4 - 0.9 MB, 07 min. |
From the office of the prime minister of Turkey under : Summary of the political and economic news in the Turkish press this morning 25.03.2002 |
Another one of Sinanoglu's activities as viewed by the press: An Extract from an article to be found here. |
Vom 31. August bis zum 2. September 2001 fand in Feldkirch, Österreich, der IX. Kongress der Europäischen Arbeitsgemeinschaft «Mut zur Ethik» statt. Mehr als 60 Referenten aus 20 Ländern Europas, Afrikas, Asiens und Nordamerikas trugen zum Thema «Grundrechte, Rechtsstaatlichkeit und Völkerrecht versus Krieg» Beiträge zur Analyse der gegenwärtigen globalen Situation zusammen und erörterten Alternativen zur Macht- und Kriegspolitik. Im Zentrum stand dabei die Erinnerung an und die Berufung auf das Recht – unverzichtbar in einer Zeit, in der reine Macht- und Interessenpolitik über Menschenrechte und Grundlagen des Völkerrechts hinweggehen.
...... Erschütternd und lehrreich war auch, was Professor Oktay Sinanoglu aus der Türkei berichtete. Das Land befindet sich im Würgegriff des Internationalen Währungsfonds IWF, die Politiker des Landes sind mehr fremden Mächten hörig, als dass sie der eigenen Bevölkerung dienen. Zu Schleuderpreisen kaufen ausländische Konsortien riesige Ländereien in der Türkei auf; Land, das zuvor einer in den Ruin getriebenen Landwirtschaft gehörte......