Early ... Intro Picture

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About Translation(s)

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Some of the interviews are (still) in German and of course I realize that this presents some difficulty to the international audience. I apologize for that - during the next year or so these texts will be translated into English.

You might try automated translation. There are programs like Babylon etc. I tried using some of them (intelligence services use them for first scanning) yet they are very, very rough on the interviews. This stems mainly from the complicated non-SPO grammatical structure of spoken languages in general and of the German language in particular.

I tried to put some translator onto this website but this would require 125 MB - these things are really large; and they install with about 200 MB only for these 2 languages.

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Copyright © Nov. 14, 2001 by U. Anders, PhD.
e-mail Udo Anders : udo39@t-online.de

Last Updated : Dec. 30, 2001 - - 19:12