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x5  Quantum Theory Founders
x5  QC Theoreticians
x5  More QC Theoreticians
x5  Early (Heavy) Users

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but - more ...

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x5  Some QC and Similar Links
x5  QC people, alphabetically
       of this website and elsewhere

Quantum Theory Founders

Bohr, Niels H. D.


Links to the Nobel e-Museum biography

30 KByte


Model of the electrons around an atom.

Dirac, Paul Adrian Maurice


Links to the Nobel e-Museum biography

40 KByte

Links to another extended Dirac biography.

1st generation, eminent
pure theoretician:
".. we now
can calculate
all of chemistry .."

Fourier, Jean-Joseph


Biography, in German

50 KByte


Fourier Method - sin, cos and all that.
Hamilton, Sir William Rowland 1805-1865

Links to a good biography

100 KByte


"Hamiltonian" (operator).

Heisenberg, Werner Karl


Links to the Nobel e-Museum biography

30 KByte

Listen to the voice of Heisenberg in 1967.

An exhibition on Heisenberg by the American Institute of Physics.

A very brief video glimpse at Heisenberg (BR alpha).
2:47 min; 5 MB; encoded with DivX - mpeg4. The necessary decoder, 5.67 MB, a good-natured one, may at present (12/2003) be downloaded from DivX (stay independent: rather use this one than ... - you know what I mean): http://www.divx.com/divx
th generation, FOUNDER.

Pauli, Wolfgang


Links to the Nobel e-Museum biography.

30 KByte

A different sort of biography.


Schroedinger, Erwin


Links to the Nobel e-Museum biography

30 KByte


0th generation,

Sommerfeld, Arnold


with a link to a good autobiography

30 KByte


0th generation,
early analysis of spectral lines

-- return to Contents, this page --                  

QC  Theoreticians

name + link



approx. size

add'l links


Ballhausen, Carl J.



50 KByte


2nd generation, applications. Ligand Field Theory.

Berthier, Gaston



30 KByte


2nd generation, applications.

Boys, Samuel F.


Biography by G.G. Hall

50 KByte

  1st generation,

Published about Gaussians since 1950 !!

Coulson, Charles A.


Biography by R. McWeeny.

80 KByte

  1st generation,

Mathematician, QC theory.
Huckel appl's.

Craig, David Parker



20 KByte

- -

2nd generation.

Daudel, Raymond



50 KByte

No longer on the net, from my archives, links to a short biography. 1st generation, very influential.
spreading QC.
Del Re, Giuseppe 1932-


60 KByte


2nd generation, father
of the semiemp.
Dewar, Michael J. S. 1918-1997

Links to a good biography.

30 KByte

For further insights into Dewar, read his fascinating autobiography:
M.J.S. Dewar, A Semiempirical Life. Amer. Chem. Soc., Washington, DC, 1992.

2nd generation,
father of
Fischer - Hjalmars, Inga 1918-


110 KByte


1st + 2nd generation, famous theor. Huckel paper, later appl. to peptides and metals.
Fock, Vladimir A. 1898-1974


30 KByte


1st generation, Hartree-Fock method!!
Fraga, Serafin 1931-

Fraga's Faculty page at Univ. of Alberta, Canada

90 KByte


2nd generation. Early work in SCF theory, atomic data. Always interested in biochem. structures.
Freed, Karl 1942-

Freed's Faculty page at Univ. of Chicago.

300 KByte


3rd generation. Constant interest in basic theory and methods on the electronic structure of molecules.
Hall, George G. 1925-


70 KByte


2nd generation, Mathematician. Important work in early semiempirical theory. Described (independently of Roothaan) the foundations of the SCF LCAO-MO theory.
Hartree, Douglas Rayner 1897-1958

- -

30 KByte

At times the St. Andrews server seems to be off-net. In this case try here. 1th generation, Hartree-Fock method!!
Heitler, Walter 1904 - 1981  


  1st generation.
Hoffmann, Roald 1937-

Links to the Nobel e-Museum autobiography

40 KByte

Hoffmann's Faculty page at Cornell Univ. 3nd generation,
father of the
EHT - method.
Hückel (Huckel), Erich 1896-1980


30 KByte


1st generation, Hückel Theory
Hund, Friedrich (1)
Hund, Friedrich (2)
1896-1997 Links presently to 2 available yet very brief biographies (more to come).

20 KByte


1st generation
Worked on MO in parallel to Mulliken.
Jug, Karl 1939-

Interview and Video Clip yet to come

350 KByte


3rd generation,
father of
Julg, André 1926-2003

Writes his own story and an Interview

32 KByte


2nd generation, father
of the
LCAO-ameliorée method.
Kotani, Masao 1906-1993


60 KByte


1st generation, Integral Tables! Father of the Japanese Efforts in Quantum Chemistry.
Lennard-Jones, Sir John Edward 1894 - 1954


90 KByte


0th generation, Introducing quantum chemistry in the UK.
Fritz Wolfgang


  1st generation.
Longuet-Higgins, Christopher 1923-2004

2 short biographies

5 KByte


1st + 2nd generation, changed
with 40 to
exp'l psychology.
Lowdin, Per-Olov 1916-2000

Interview and Video Clip yet to come

50 KByte

Univ. of Florida Quantum Theory Project. 1st + 2nd generation, trained
3000 quantum
Matsen, Frederick A. 1913-

- -

60 KByte


2nd generation,
group theory
spin-free QC.
McWeeny, Roy 1924-


30 KByte


2nd generation, mainly
theor. work.
Mulliken, Robert Sanderson 1896-1986

Links to the Nobel e-Museum biography

30 KByte


1st generation,
Molecular Orbital
Murrell, John N. 1932-


120 KByte

- -

3rd generation,
extremely successful introductory QC book in the 70s.
Ohno, Kimio 1926-


100 KByte


2nd generation of Japanese quantum chemists.
Studied under Kotani, worked with Itoh, Nakamura, Tanabe, Yoshimine and others.
Pariser, Rudolph 1923-


50 KByte


2nd generation,
PPP co-founder. Also industrial chemist at Dupont de Nemours.
Parr, Robert G. 1921-


120 KByte

Parr's Faculty page 1st + 2nd generation,
PPP co-founder,
much later DFT.
Pauling, Linus Carl 1901-1994

Links to the Nobel e-Museum biography

30 KByte

Nat.Acad.Scie. on Pauling

1st generation,
Valence Bond
Pople, John A. 1925- Pople's autobiography at the Nobel Foundation

120 KByte

Pople's Faculty page at Northwestern.

1st + 2nd generation,
PPP co-founder,
Pullman, Alberte and Bernard 1920-


100 KByte


1st generation,
very wide influence,
espec'y in France.
Roothaan, C.C.J. 1918-

- -

150 KByte


1st generation,
THE paper on LCAO-MO theory in 1951.
Rüdenberg, Klaus 1920-

Rüdenberg's Faculty page.

180 KByte


2ndStrongly present in the early literature, say 1960-75. Mathem. rigor and comput. honesty for some, "too much calculating" for those days, others claim.
Salem, Lionel 1937-


30 KByte


2nd generation,
later banking,
finally Popularization
of Knowledge, Prof.
Sandorfy, Camille 1920-

- -

50 KByte

- -

2nd generation.
Interesting his book in 1959 : Les spectres électroniques en chimie théorique. Translated into many languages.
Segal, Gerald A. 1934-

Segal's Faculty page at USC

200 KByte

- -

2nd generation. Fathered with Pople and Santry the famous CNDO-method.
Slater, John Clarke 1900-1976

A broader and liberal biography of J.C. Slater by the American Philosophical Society.

40 KByte

Another nicely done biography is (was) the one from Augustana College, USA, which you may get here. If this link seems not to be available (any longer?) you may try my archive here , some links then, however, being off-net. 1st generation, wide influence. Important: Slater screening constant, the Xalpha-method.
Tietz, Horst 1921-


120 KByte


Assistant to Erich Huckel
Van Vleck, J.H.
Van Vleck's autobiography at the Nobel Foundation.



1st generation,
developed Crystal Field Theory, magnetic theory of metal ions.
Famous: The Theory of Electric and Magnetic Susceptibilities.
Zerner, Michael C. 1940-2000

Links to Zerner's biography

20 KByte


2nd generation,

-- return to Contents, this page --                  

More   QC  Theoreticians

Bayliss, Noel Stanley
1906 - 1996

60 KByte

  Bayliss, like H. Kuhn, worked on the Free Electron Model in the early 1950s.
Dahl, Jens Peder

30 KByte

  Dahl was Ballhausen's first Ph.D. student working in the area of complexed transition metal ions.
He later continued this work on his own and still later he
entered into phase space and connected theories.
Goeppert-Mayer, Maria

Links to the Nobel e-Museum biography

30 KByte

M. Goeppert-Mayer and A.L. Sklar : Calculations of the lower excited levels of benzene. J. Chem. Phys., 19 , 799-800 (1951). Just think of the (in)-famous paper (some 20 mistakes!) in semiempirical quantum chemistry of Goeppert-Mayer and Sklar in the 1950ies. PS : Due to R.G. Parr (see the interview) her student Sklar didn't give a damn about it:{"Oh, sorry". And period.}.
Koopmans, Tjalling C.

Links to the Nobel e-Museum biography.

Reading hint: Find a new paragraph which starts with: Instead, in 1930 ...

50 KByte

Biography from the Nat. Acad. Sciences, USA.

The Prize (not Nobel, similar) was in Economics!!
Yet think of: "Koopmans' theorem!"
Kutzelnigg, Werner


120 KByte

Kutzelnigg's Faculty page at the Univ. Bochum, Germany. 3rd generation, ab initio.
Moffitt, William


15 KByte


Early participant in Longuet-Higgins' group.
Peyerimhoff, Sigrid D.


100 KByte

Peyerimhoff's Faculty page at the Univ. Bonn, Germany. 3rd generation, ab initio.
Pritchard, Huw O.

70 KByte

  Pritchard and Skinner brought out 2 important papers 1953/55 which for many years furnished a solid reference for pure theoreticians.
Sinanoglu, Oktay

Including a vast amount of materials, pictures.

100 KByte

-- 3 rd generation. When Sinanoglu became full prof. at Yale University he was 28 years old; he was one of the 4 youngest profs Yale has had in over 200 years. His books in 1965 and 1970 were well-received information at that time.
Sponer, Hertha
1895 - 1968

80 KByte

  Hertha Sponer, a physicist, was one of the first women who worked in the field of spectra and applied quantum mechanics.

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Early  (Heavy)  Users

Cotton, F.Albert


150 KByte

- - Inorganic chemist who wrote THE book on group theory ALL chemists had to go through in the 60ies, 70ies and 80ies : F.A. Cotton : Chemical Applications of Group Theory. Interscience Publishers, New York, 1963.
Gray, Harry B.

Gray's Faculty page at Caltech.

50 KByte

- - Inorganic chemist who, together with Ballhausen, tried many 'firsts' in inorganic chemistry MO calculations.
Jaffé, Hans H.


50 KByte

- - Physical organic chemist, with a great interest in theretical applications who, together with M. Orchin, wrote another very famous and popular book on the application of quantum theory in chemistry: Symmetry, Orbitals and Spectra By all students of, say, 1970-2000 known as SOS - liked and feared depending on the ability of the lecturer concerned.
Jørgensen, C. Klixbüll

90 KByte

Christian Klixbüll Jørgensen was an early user of QC in inorganic chemistry - at a time (1950s) when transition metal spectra and crystal field theory were going strong ...
Karfunkel, H. R.

Interview with an "industrial" quantum chemist at Novartis

60 KByte


3rd generation.
Orchin, Milton

Orchin's Faculty page at the Univ. of Cincinnati, USA.

50 KByte

- - Organic chemist who, together with H.H. Jaffe, wrote another very famous and popular book on the application of quantum theory in chemistry: Symmetry, Orbitals and Spectra By all students of, say, 1970-2000 known as SOS - liked and feared depending on the ability of the lecturer concerned.
Orgel, Leslie E.

Orgel's Faculty page. at the Salk Institute.

250 KByte

- - Inorganic and theoretical chemist by first training, wrote one of the most-read and used books on ligand field theory of the 60's.
Roberts, John D.

Faculty page at Caltech.

300 KByte

Some sketchy biographical data.
Organic chemist, wrote a beautifully simple and highly successful little book (16 printings, translated into German, Japanese and Russian)about Huckel theory for organic chemists in the feeling of those times - 1961!
Streitwieser, Andrew

Streitwieser's Berkeley Faculty page.

200 KByte

- - Organic chemist, wrote THE book on the application of Huckel theory in organic chemistry. It contains a fairly complete survey of the application of Huckel theory, about 600 references.
Wheland, George W.

- -

50 KByte

- -

Organic chemist, wrote, among others, two books on resonance theory. In 1949 he proposed the introduction of a parameter ('omega-technique') to better adapt Huckel theory to charges and which appeared quite promising at the time, since it also reduced the (manual) calculating effort. Occasionally still used in teaching Huckel.

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Links to some intereresting
Theorical and Quantum Chemistry pages.

Theoretical Chemistry, ETH Zuerich, Switzerland. " Theoretical Chemistry im www für Studierende und Interessierte."

Fairly extensive.
Yet- march 1, 2002 it didn't work!



Theoretical Chemistry, University of Stuttgart, Germany. Links to Theoretical Chemistry: Journals, Societies, Software.

Alphabetical link-listings of Theochem. Depts. worldwide.

- -


- -
National Academy of Sciences, USA Links to the NAS homepage.



http://www.nap.edu/ readingroom/books/ biomems/
An extensive listing of biographical data,
not only from chemistry and physics.

- -
Royal Society [London] Links to the Royal Society [London] homepage.



An extensive listing of biographical data, not only from chemistry and physics.

- -
TH Physik, Uni-Frankfurt, Germany "A Picture Gallery of Famous Physicists."




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International Academy of Quantum Molecular Science The IAQMS was created in Menton (close to Nizza, France) in 1967 by Daudel, Löwdin, Parr, Pople and B. Pullman ... Most, but not all, biographical entries of these members are public. Sometimes this server appears to be unreachable.



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American Institute of Physics.
Web Sites for the History of Science.
Presently (Feb. 2002) good exhibit on Heisenberg. Don't miss it! Very recommendable, good contents, good design.



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Use a Russian search machine for Search machine matched to this site here by Dr. Nikolai N. Kostyukovich of the The National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Just look around a bit - thinking 'global' and all that ...



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-- --




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Copyright © Jan. 22, 2002 by U. Anders, Ph.D.
e-mail Udo Anders : udo39@t-online.de

Last updated : Nov. 3, 2010 - 18:02 CET